Friday 4 July 2014

It's a dog's life!!

Hey there me again!!! Wow interesting stuff has been going on!!
Went to the pub last night to play pool and won two games!!! It was an overall defeat 5 to 4 though. I play pool for a team out of the Mushroom Hall pub in Albert Village. Google it, you may see it online. The fixture last night was against the Royal Oak. It is fun and next week I'll get a few photo's for you. 
Speaking of photo's.....
This is me this morning out for a 'short walk' with our dog Tin. Turned into a long walk. A long agonising walk in the sweltering heat. Well, I use the term heat. I'm sure that if you are from southern California you may think: 'Looks kinda dull there', but believe me for English weather, today was a hot one. 

I'm trying to lose a little weight at the minute, and I'm sure you'll agree I'm a little bit of a bloater, so I've got to get out there and get the exercise. I got lost today though, so what was supposed to be 45mins turned into 3 hours!! 
Here's Tin the dog!!

It really was funny, as I wasn't really ever that far from home, but took a detour and lost my bearings. It's good to get a walk though, and I took a little bit of film footage too as I thought it was funny!!
I saw an old man coming toward me so I shut off the recording and decided to ask him where I was. This was the result...
Anyway, I came out somewhere I knew thankfully, and took the long walk home.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Swad and Back!!

So, who am I? 
My name is Jonathan, but friends and family call me Jonny or just Jon. I'm 31 years old, and due to a period of ill health, had to move back in with my parents. 

I live in England! Google my postcode, DE11 0HX, and you can get a look exactly where. I live in Newhall, one of the larger villages in England, but no less great for it.
Newhall's wikipedia page is HERE and I'm sure you'll find it fascinating.

I believe the old adage that a picture tells a thousand words, so I've took some photos of the local area this morning on my walk to Swadlincote to show you where I live.

I love living round here, and have done my whole life. I had to go into town to pick up a prescription for my Dad, and walked there and back. 
I shall post more things soon!!
Enjoy and comment!!

Diary Of A British Guy

Hello all! 
Welcome to my brand new blog!! 
The idea of this blog is to provide an insight into the life of a British guy. I have read often that people from all over the world are as interested in what life is really like in other cultures. I have a huge fascination with all other countries, and different ways of life, but always find myself asking the question: What is life really like? Do they do the things I do? What do they do for fun? And so on. 

That lead me to think: Well, maybe other people are thinking the exact same thing! Maybe they are just as interested in my culture as I am in theirs. So perhaps they would like to read and look at aspects of my life. And even better, maybe they will begin a post of their own so we can share our experiences. The world is more connected now than it has ever been, and I for one think it is a beautiful, wonderful, frightening and fascinating place, full of mystery and wonder. 

So here goes then, the blog of a very normal, average, unique life in Blighty.
The diary of a British Guy.
Enjoy and comment!!
It's me!!!