Thursday 3 July 2014

Diary Of A British Guy

Hello all! 
Welcome to my brand new blog!! 
The idea of this blog is to provide an insight into the life of a British guy. I have read often that people from all over the world are as interested in what life is really like in other cultures. I have a huge fascination with all other countries, and different ways of life, but always find myself asking the question: What is life really like? Do they do the things I do? What do they do for fun? And so on. 

That lead me to think: Well, maybe other people are thinking the exact same thing! Maybe they are just as interested in my culture as I am in theirs. So perhaps they would like to read and look at aspects of my life. And even better, maybe they will begin a post of their own so we can share our experiences. The world is more connected now than it has ever been, and I for one think it is a beautiful, wonderful, frightening and fascinating place, full of mystery and wonder. 

So here goes then, the blog of a very normal, average, unique life in Blighty.
The diary of a British Guy.
Enjoy and comment!!
It's me!!!

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